Even More Distorted Words

Hippie comes from the word Hipster

which breaks down to

Hip-:drug user


-ster:someone who is or associated with,or does something specified

Hippie does not mean anyone with long hair.

It just means someone who is using drugs.

Queer doesn’t mean homosexual,yet it does means oblique,transverse

Transsexual doesn’t mean one who changes their gender at all.

Trans-:across on the far side,beyond



Asexual does mean plantlife because they are not born like people are.




Intersexual does mean anything between the people.These could be other people,plant life,wild life or anything really.




Homosexual I found out today does not mean to be sexually immoral,yet it does mean someone who is from the same family as me or you.




Heterosexual I found out today does not mean to be sexually right,yet it does mean

someone who is not from the same family as me or you.




The truth about us

I hate being lied to about what I already know.Others who come and try to deny the following are teaching lies.

Here is my poem on the Mystical:

Our thoughts are in our heads

Formed hopefully right

Good like the light

Our feelings are in our hearts

Where we feel

And how we can know what is real

Our emotions are in our Na’au

which is near the waist

In most every case

And to know these three are true

You can live at peace it’s true