Distorted Words Reexplored

I am gonna start with the word Gay.

Gay has nothing to do with the sexually loving the same gender.Gay does not mean sexual immorality which is what loving the same gender is.

Gay derives from the word Gai meaning joyful,laughing and merry.Basically gay means happiness.

Now we are gonna look at the word Homosexual which does mean relating to sex the same.This has zero to do with being into men if you’re a man which is not even right.That is sexually immoral.

Then there is the word Queer which does not mean sexually immoral,yet it does mean oblique,off center.

Now let’s delve into the word Slut which does not mean a sexually immoral woman,yet it does mean sloth.

Fag does not mean sexually immoral,but does mean a cigarette.

Faggot does not mean sexually immoral,yet it does mean a bundle of sticks.

Whore does not mean sexually immoral,yet comes from the proto-indo-European word which is *keh2ro which means dear,loved.

Dude does not mean guy,yet derives from the word Doodle which itself derives from the word Dudeln which itself derives from the word Dudy which means a bagpipe.

Babe does not mean woman,yet derives from the word Baba which means child.

Gigolo does not mean a immoral male,yet itself derives from Gigolette+lo which too derives from Gigue+ette which means this:

Gigue:a fiddle,kind of dance


ette:female equivalent



Prostitute does not mean sexually immoral,yet it comes from the word Prostituo which means to set up and erect for and before.

Lesbian does not mean sexually immoral,yet it derives Lesbos which is a island in Greece and ian which means a part of.

Global Warming = New World Order

I am like this about Global Warming,it’s ridiculous.

NASA promotes Global Warming because they are related to the Nazis.

Yes,research and look up a video about NASA NAZIS on YouTube.

I also am against it because even the creator of The Weather Channel admits

Scientists know that the earth does not cool or warm because of us.

This is how the Sun does the Earth.

Now you ask how is this related to initiating the New World Order?

It is very simple,to force people to accept CO2 is bad,

still it is good for trees and trees are made of 90% CO2.

Also CO2 is good for crops too

so I guess gassing off is great for the earth after all.