From The Da Vinci Code to Secret Societies

I am not a fan of secret societies,yet in this blog I will discuss from me doing the Da Vinci Code Web Quest from a redirected website by Dan Brown’s website to my dealings with secret societies.

Let me go back to when I did the I did the Da Vinci Code Web Quest and in it was a quest for Robert Langdon on the then Da Vinci Code Quiz website.I did it and I saw images from the book and I was quizzed to see how smart I was relating to the book so I found Robert Langdon.I got a message and that was it.I reached the end of the quiz.

In 2006,a rather good year for me when the Noveo Society sent me a letter about learning about joining the Egyptian Mystery Schools,I was interested.I was offered a free book all about it.I was told about the Rosicrucian Secret Society.The professional Figure Skater Scott Hamilton was discussing things in it.I was thrilled then.I was told about joining the Rosicrucian Order so I was interested.

What happened later ticked me mad.I was reading in it how I would have to deny The Bible to join.So I got the book and put it back in the wrapping paper that it came in and sent it back to them.

Later in 2016,I think,I got a email to join the Illuminati,you’ll become famous.I emailed them back that I would become famous without them.This is all a true story.