
I like to draw them

Then put the paint in

I do it ever so often

And I’ll do it again

It is fun to do

When I got the time

Going from line to line

I know that it needs to look good

And I hope that’s understood

So much to do

So little time

To express myself

To free my mind

And after all is said and done

It is good to look back

Years from now

At what occurred

With every turn

A Decade Ago

It is something that when I was in high school

I won my first poetry award on this month in 2005.

This happened for three years in a row.

I was the Executive’s Choice for three years in a row.

Poetry.com thought a lot of three of my poems.

Still I earned nothing from my poetry,

yet I saw that my poems were good enough to make it.

So after the whole fall out with Poetry.com

I branched out on my own and tried to start my own business

and eventually I plan to make it all work out someday.


I do recall that my first ever poem was titled “The Peace Prayer”

which I unfortunately lost sometime ago,

yet before that I managed to read it to people at the Youth Group

and read it to my mom who is a poet herself

and she thought that it was good.

So after that experience and seeing that Johnny Cash himself

won a Poetry.com award I was ready to try it for myself

to see what I could achieve if I worked on my poetry a little bit more.

So I published to them and I won a award within a short period of time.

I was thrilled because it was my first award not of the Christian Academy.

I knew what it was like to win awards,

yet this was so different for me.

I was like so in the sky,cloud nine.

I was so overjoyed.

I was no arrogant.yet so overjoyed at the time.

It is something winning awards for doing good in school,

yet it is a totally different thing to win awards for your own work.


If you ever win a award outside of school let the feelings come.

You do deserve it.