What I Do

I am still trying to make sense of life and how some things make no sense.

I am different things to different people.

Lately I decided to avoid posting on my blog.

I may not post again or I may continue to do it.

This makes 2 years of posting on my blog,not byweekly like I had.

I still sing/songwrite,do poetry and art,

yet these days I took a step back.

If I could I would rewrite my teen years.

I regret a lot of my decisions.

For starters I want to travel,yet the cost of living is a job.

It is awful that I can’t work for myself and see the money come in.

I like to do stuff where I can make stuff interesting and still be myself

while others do too without the risk of losing stuff.

Honestly,I have no idea what will happen next,

yet the way life looks I may end up

redefining my family as a household establishment

which is me and as few others,no relatives included.

I want a new beginning.

Who knows maybe I will still do what I did last year all over again

with a different twist.