We Each Have A Twin Soul And This Twin Soul Was One With Us Before Time Began

There is no reason to hate the notion of it.

It is what it is,my philosophy is not based on ideologies or religions alone.

I read everything,just think about it.

Yes even the occult and the paranormal

because religion alone never satisfied me enough.

I had to do it because some answers I did not find in any book,

some answers I found by digging through pages,

questioning religion at it’s roots,every religion really.

Back to the topic at hand:Twin Souls

We each have a twin soul,like it or hate it,yet get over you ego traps,

you are your own issue in your own way.

Didn’t the Bible itself say that

a man will leave his parents and cleave to his wife

and they will become one flesh?Yes.

To literally make that happen,there can no longer be two people.

This is where the Twin Souls concept steps in.

Now this won’t happen any time soon.

In fact it is hard to tell if it will ever happen at all,

yet the only way this can fit reality is

if it means two persons becoming one person.

In the Gnostic Gospels it goes one step further:

When the male and the female become one

then they’ll enter the Kingdom.

Yes,it does say that.

To me religion never satisfied because of Paul’s needless want to degrade women.

Adam was both male and female.

Adam begat Seth.

Yes,you read that right Adam begat Seth.

So quit putting this down and accept it all and repent.