
I like to draw them

Then put the paint in

I do it ever so often

And I’ll do it again

It is fun to do

When I got the time

Going from line to line

I know that it needs to look good

And I hope that’s understood

So much to do

So little time

To express myself

To free my mind

And after all is said and done

It is good to look back

Years from now

At what occurred

With every turn

The 3 Paul McCartney’s

There is a photo floating around online of 3 Paul McCartney’s on a ship.

If this is a honest photo,well then there are 3 Paul McCartney’s.

Here is the photo of the 3 Paul McCartney’s:

As you can tell by looking is it appears there are 3 Paul McCartney’s.

These 3 are from 3 Beatles eras.

Here is the Paul McCartney from the Invasion Era,the real deal:

Here is the Paul McCartney from the Magical Mystery Tour:

Here is the Paul McCartney from the Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band:

As you can tell they are 3 different people.